I am an absolute shopaholic. I spend a lot of time patronizing literally every type of business under the sun. As an avid consumer, I believe that I have advice that I can give businesses that can help them become more successful and serve there customers better. Even though I am the only one working on this blog, much of what I write comes from endless conversations with friends and family members who have experienced frustrations when patronizing businesses, big and small. My name is Alice Stark and I hope you enjoy the journey that we will be going on together!
The next time somebody accidentally stumbles upon your dildo or vibrator, tell them that you have it for medical purposes -- and you won't be lying. Many types of sex toys, including dildos, vibrators, and balls can help keep your vagina healthy and happy. These toys can be especially helpful for your vagina as you near menopause.
Problems That Can Occur During Menopause
Menopause can wreak havoc on your entire body. While hot flashes and mood swings can make you miserable during the day, night sweats and vaginal dryness can ruin your evening hours. During menopause, the amount of estrogen your body produces drops. In turn, this drop in estrogen levels decreases the amount of fluid that normally lubricates your vagina. Because of this dryness, sex may no longer be pleasurable and might even be painful. To combat vaginal dryness, doctors often prescribe topical estrogen therapy, such as a vaginal estrogen ring. These rings, which are inserted into a woman's vagina by a doctor, releases a steady supply of estrogen.
Of course, not everyone is a fan of using hormones. That is where a good dildo or vibrator might come into play. According to Dr. Mary Jane Minkin, a professor at Yale University School of Medicine, using these "toys" can actually stimulate pelvic blood flow and will also increase the lubricating fluid created by the vagina. Minkin recommends that women should use a vibrator and lubricants at least three to four times a week for the best results. Some people believe this method is more natural than using topical estrogen products. Plus, it's probably more fun, as well.
Talk with an OBGYN about different adult sex toys for sale and find out if any could be useful to you.
Don't Go With the Flow
Sex toys can also help with incontinence. While you may not think of it as such, the vagina is a muscle. And like any other muscle in your body, when it isn't used on a regular basis, it will get weak and not perform properly. Women with weak pelvic floor muscles, for example, may experience urinary leakage while:
You can strengthen your pelvic floor muscles by performing exercises known as Kegels, where you tighten and hold them for approximately 10 seconds at a time. This is something you can do even while sitting at your desk at work. Or if you really want to work out, consider using vaginal barbells or keeping Ben Wa balls in place using your pelvic floor muscles. In addition, having tight pelvic floor muscles can also help combat your chances of having a pelvic floor prolapse.
Dildos Were Originally Created as Medical Equipment
If someone doesn't believe you when you explain to them that your vibrator is actually for medical purposes, you can inform them that -- according to Psychology Today -- the first ones were actually created in the late 1880s by a Dr. Joseph Mortimer Granville as a means to treat a condition then known as hysteria. This condition caused women to suffer with a number of symptoms, including anxiety, irritability, erotic fantasies, and wetness between the legs. To treat the condition, doctors or midwives would massage a woman's vagina and clitoris until they experienced a relief from their symptoms. This "relief" was not called an orgasm because it was believed at that time that women could not experience such a thing.
Not surprisingly, women who experienced relief from their symptoms in this manner returned time and time again to their doctors for more treatments. The end result was that many doctors were experiencing hand cramps. And, thus, the electric vibrator was born. It provided a woman the same "relief" that a doctor could without the downside of hand cramps for the treating physician.
Share10 July 2017